For me, this is a summary of my entire life.
The way it started: I think many people start of with Do-Be-Do. The doing seems to justify us having value, time and the right to Be and then we need to do more. We have contributed to God and it simply is a natural progression. If we are not connected then we need to go back to the Do and probably adjust our behavior. Then when we've gotten our doing in place we can spend some good time with God, but then shortly it's time to get busy again. Don't want to forget that 2nd Do.
Taking it a step further and knowing that it can't just be about our works, we can move to Be Do Be. We want to Be a good Christian so we say, "In order to Be what do I need to Do?" Well, it's a start, but that is not where we want to end up. It still revolves around us working and doing something in order to Be.
Here's where I've ended up and I think it's a great place to be. Be-Be-Do
Is the foundation of determining what our relationship is to God. Have we put our faith and trust in God and has the objective changed to Be in an active relationship with God? What do you believe about God? Have you entered into that covenant with Him? Pledging to Be with Him.
Be2 is the relationship side of being. We need to be connected and focused on God and His desires for our life!
For The Practical Application of BE BE DO, here are some questions you can ask yourself to help evaluate if you're on track. Obviously these are only ideas and suggestions and you should really add your own. You'll want to start off by running through the check list quite frequently. Once it becomes a habit it will be more instinctive. The arrangement or sequence has no bearing on importance. They are all part of BEing in tune with God, so that we can BE ready for the Doing!
1) Be Aware - Before we even get started, we need to be aware of what we're getting into.
Am I aware of God's presence?
Are I aware of our current state of being?
Are my eyes open to what is really going on around me?
2) Who - Am I being WHO God wants me to be?
Is my focus on God’s identity for my life?
Who should I include in my being?
Who am I?
Who is getting my attention and focus?
3) What - Am I being WHAT God wants me to be?
What is God saying to me?
What is God showing me?
What should I do?
4) Where - Am I being WHERE God wants me to be?
Where has God brought me from?
Where is my journey leading me?
Where does God me want me to go?
Am I in the right place?
5) Why - Am I being WHY God wants me to be?
Is the reason I'm being because of His motives?
Are my feelings and emotions in line with God?
6) When - Am I being WHEN God wants me to be?
When does God want me to be with him?
When does God want me to do for/with him? See #3
When have I ignored God?
When have I missed God’s voice?
Is there something coming that I still need to wait for?
How am I using my time? Is it focused on Him?
Am I open to time changes or lock into expectations?
7) How - Am I being HOW God wants me to be?
How can I be more with God?
How does God want me to be different?
How does God want me to do?
Am I being or doing what God wants using His methods and in the way he wants?
8) AM I READY? Be Ready! Be ready to do whatever God wants. When Jesus said that if you love Him we'll keep His commandments, I like to think of it as if He were saying - Naturally you'd do what I ask if you love me, right? If your spouse or kids love you and you ask them for something, isn't it a natural response for them to be happy to do it? I believe that is what we are being told - naturally you'll do what God asks! That's the Duh!Do part. 'Do' Is Love, Relationship & Connection Made Visible and expressed.
As you grow in your relationship with God, you will find that several of them are much easier than others. Typically based on your personality style 2 or 3 will be almost natural while 1 or 2 are something you really have to work at. It helps to identify those particular challenge areas and start delving into turning those in to God's design for your BEing.
Then comes Duh-DO
If you love God then you will naturally want to do what He asks. When Jesus said: “If you love me, keep my commandments” He wasn’t saying that in order to prove you love Him that you have to keep His commandments, but rather that it’s obvious we will want to keep His commandments. It’s kind of like a gauge or dial that if we start finding it hard to keep to His commandments or possibly that you find that you aren’t even aware of who God wants you to be, then you need to check your love for Him.
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