Dare 2 Share conference Leaders Guide Evaluation

Dare 2 Share

I recently attended my first Dare 2 Share conference. I've heard a lot about it and everyone who had been there had a ton of positive things to report. I love the fact that a group of people have gotten together and formed an organization that is focused on reaching the American teenager.

During the leaders breakout session Greg Stier spoke to the pastors and youth leaders that were there, while the teenagers were both entertained and challenged in their groups. The leaders received a special booklet / workbook that Greg Stier spoke about and then challenge us youth workers to take home and study more in depth. That is what I've done and I kind of got stuck on one of the early pages. If you're up for it, let me share with you here what I encountered and then perhaps you can help me see what I've missed.

dare 2 share, greg stier, great comission, acts, Bible, the cause, first century church

Dare to Share 2011 Leaders Guide Notes


Note in this picture that they state that “They loved God and took it out on other by making disciples who made disciples from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth”. It’s talking about the first century church and I really like the first part where it talks about how much they loved God and that it impacted their life and that made an obvious impact on others too. But not the transition “by making disciples…” and that’s the part that I don’t see how they make the jump.

Note my other thought – it says in capitalized letters that they were focused on ONE things, but the verse at the bottom of the page talks about 4 different things they focused on. (note my underlining in the picture).


This is another good point. Love and telling others cannot be separated, but rather they must go hand in hand and it always results in a good thing when love overflows like that.

God is love, appointed for one thing, love God

Most of us go through periods of our lives where we feel we were anointed for something, but the appointed time has not yet come where we can fulfill the destiny. We need to be patient and wait for God’s time and yet meanwhile be so consumed with God’s love.


anointed, appointed, pray, live, the cause, inspire, equip, deploy

This doesn’t look like one thing anymore, does it? Looks like 5 to me. Why take the one thing that god wants us to work on and change it into a system? If the love is there it will result in an automatic time of prayer for others, we will want to live and we will be an inspiration without trying and would naturally help others be ready for their journey and we’d be deploying ourselves into action.


The Cause

The organization Dare 2 Share has at its' core mission "the Cause" which is a mix of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The Great Commission is from Jesus at the end of Matthew in the Bible, where He challenges his disciples to "go" and make disciples.

The Great Commandment refers to another time Jesus was speaking and He is sharing that the greatest commandment there is was to love God with all your heart, soul & mind. And Jesus sneaks the second most important one in there too, even though he wasn't asked about it - love your neighbor as yourself. Obviously Jesus cares about people and is centered on LOVE!

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